Comments procedure

Dear Student,

On this site you will find the form that you will have to fill out in case there are any comments about an examination.

Course coordinators specify how students can file comments to written exams. Your course site in the Student Portal provides that information.
Please check if your course coordinator allows comments to be filled in with this web application.

Regarding the comment form:
  • The comment procedure will open at 8am on the day after the examination date and close at 8am five calendar days after the opening of the comment procedure, unless stated otherwise. No comments can be filed after this deadline.
  • Please note that your comment submission is final, editing comments is not possible.
  • You can add multiple comments using the button 'Add next comment' (1 per exam question).
  • Exam version: please list the version of your exam if possible (e.g. A, C, F etc).
  • The exam question number is a required field.

In case there are any questions, contact us or the exam office via Ask SBE